domingo, 26 de diciembre de 2010

"Smiles" - (Transmisión antigua)

 17 de agosto de 2010, a las 20:33

     Esta es una de las dos composiciones que tuve que hacer para el First, más precisamente la segunda, que podías elegir qué hacer, entre varias opciones. Yo elegí el cuento. El cuento este tenía que empezar con una frase que ya te daban (la que está en negrita), y tenía que tener entre 120 y 180 palabras. [...]

     Michael opened the door, smiled and invited the visitor into the living-room. As soon as the visitor passed by, Michael's smile dissappeared. There was no turning back now. The visitor's grin, static on his pale face, had an strange presence in the room, as if there were two different people in the exact same place. Michael could feel that.They sat one in front of the other, staring at the other's fake smile. At least Michael's was. There was no point in watching those old photos hanging from the walls, nor the wooden chess-board that was burning on the table between Michael and the visitor. Burning because it had no king any more.
     "Michael", the visitor said, "Michael, repeat your name as we walk out". Michael didn't answer. "Michael", the visitor insisted, "Michael, you won't be able to pronounce it there. This is your last chance". Michael didn't move at all. "Michael", peacefully said the visitor, "I took your queen". Michael stood up.

Escrito por Ezequiel F.L. Cabrera

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